Circolo Italiano di Wellington — Meet Italy! more news »

Our tutor, Virginia Listanti, has invited us to enjoy her recent trip to Sicily. Following the coastline, we will start and end our journey in Palermo – exploring Cefalù, Messina, Catania, Siracusa, Modica, Noto, Agrigento and Trapani.

Welcome to Club Garibaldi

Linda DeGregorio

Linda DeGregorio
President, Club Garibaldi

Welcome to the web home of Club Garibaldi. A website for what we believe is the oldest Italian club in the Southern Hemisphere is overdue and, judging by the number of inquiries and requests for information we receive via other organisations' websites, is very much in demand.

We are pleased to use the electronic media to showcase our club which has a long and proud history of service for people of Italian descent living in the greater Wellington (New Zealand) region. The web presence is part of our plan to lift the club's profile and ensure that everyone knows how we celebrate our rich Italian heritage and culture at the far ends of the earth.

As all the club's officers and members are volunteers we rely on time and service provided at no cost and we continue to do so for the maintenance of this website.

I wish to particularly thank the kind and generous Wellington Italian businesses and their very professional and high achieving leaders whose sponsorship and support has made this website possible. Please support them as they have supported the club.

Tanti saluti

Linda DeGregorio
President, Club Garibaldi

In July 1882 the newly founded Club Garibaldi adopted the motto
"Fratellanza, Educazione, Lavoro" – "Brotherhood,
Education, Work"

Island bay

A Familiar Scene of Island Bay